Thursday, March 15, 2012

Philadelphia International Flower Show

Jay and I went to Philadelphia on Friday, March 9 for the 2012 Philadelphia International Flower Show. It was everything I hoped it would be. The theme for this year was Hawaii: Islands of Aloha. Since we visited Hawaii in 2010, I was very excited to see how that state would be recreated in Philadelphia.

The biggest, most popular display was right by the main entrance into the exhibit hall. It had a stage in front of a volcano covered in flowers and native plants where dancers entertained watchers as the volcano 'erupted.' It was hard getting close enough to see the dancers because of the huge crowd at the show. Fortunately, there were many other displays worth looking at.

I've picked out just a few of my favorite pictures from the show to include in this post.

A post about a flower show has to have a few pictures of flowers. As might be expected, orchids were among the most represented flowers at the show.

More pictures are available on my website. While I had a wonderful time at the show, I'm not sure if I'll want to go again. It was very crowded and hard to take pictures.

My next 'flower' event will be a visit to Longwood Gardens, and maybe Morris Arboretum later this month.

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