Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dunderbak's German Restaurant, Whitehall PA

Variety is always nice, especially when it comes to food. That's why I recently asked my husband to take me to Dunderbak's for lunch at the Lehigh Valley Mall. I was craving German-style food, and we hadn't been to the restaurant at all so far this year.

I took a photo of the inside of the restaurant from where I was sitting, but there are much better views and a virtual tour of the inside at the official restaurant website. Everything is very bright and colorful, with paintings, flags and hanging baskets that give the restaurant an old world feel.

I had 'The Dunderbrat,' a grilled bratworst topped with sauerkraut and swiss cheese. I also had potato pancakes with sour cream, applesauce and a pickle. Although there are non-German inspired offerings on the menu, it would have been a shame not to enjoy some kind of worst. I was impressed with their sauerkraut. I'm used to the very acidic taste of the stuff that comes out of a can. It was nice to enjoy some sauerkraut that was much milder.

Maybe in 2012 I'll try to sample a different kind of cuisine every month.


  1. That looks YUMMY! I don't know that I've ever had Bratwurst. There is a little town just 30 min. south of us that was a German settlement with all kinds of cute German restaurants, but we rarely stop in, primarily because my daughter is always with us and she's a vegetarian.

  2. oh, I think your idea to try a new cuisine every month is an excellent idea! It's so easy to fall back on the safe dishes that a person has always eaten and not be advneturous

  3. Laura, that sounds so neat about the German restaurants near you. Have you checked out their menus? Maybe there's some kind of salad or other dishes that your daughter would like. I know I'd have been happy at Dunderbak's just having the potato pancakes and some applesauce.

    Good for your daughter being a vegetarian. I tried it for a couple years. If I were single, I'd probably do it again.

  4. Jay and I eat at a lot of 'American' restaurants, Rue. Usually, it's my decision because it's easier to stick with calorie limits for that kind of food. Once I get back to watching my intake more carefully, I may give myself one meal every week or two where I don't worry about the calories. Hopefully, that will give me more interesting options.

    Who knows, maybe I'll finally try Thai food. :-)


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