Thursday, August 4, 2011

Full Diet Break

After being on a calorie deficit for almost seven months, I've decided to take a break and go on maintenance for a month or two. I'm going on vacation in September and won't have as much control over my meals anyway. I've been skimming through this article and the book Break Through Your Set Point by George L Blackburn. Both recommend taking breaks from eating fewer calories to give the body a chance to relax.

This doesn't mean I'll go back to the bad habits that got me here in the first place. It means I'll be raising my calories from approximately 1,700 to closer to 2,000. I'll be adding in more healthy foods, not junk food. I'll probably increase the frequency of my exercising slightly, which should be easy once the weather starts getting cooler and I can walk outside again.

It's worth trying this. The worst that can happen is I might gain back a little weight. The best that can happen is I'll refresh my body (and mind) with this short break. I don't want to fear maintenance. I have to get there someday!


  1. Hi Sharon, welcome to Blogger! It's so nice to see you here! You have a lovely lay-out, sunny and with butterflies.

    I think you've done a tremendous job with your weight loss, I can't repeat it enough. You didn't do any crash diets, you didn't burden your body, you went stable and steady. I'm very sure you'll get to your goal, and I think it's also a good idea to take a (small) break. I'm sure you've learned so much from your dieting that you won't go head over heels eating all kinds of 'bad things'. You know what your bad habits are and how to stay away from them... and a bit of relaxation is what we all need, right?

    So enjoy your holiday (September is only a few weeks away)! I had hoped to fit in a few sizes less for my holiday in December, but I don't think I'm going to make it. I'm not disappointed, even if I'd love to see it differently; but there's so much going on that counting calories isn't really on my mind. I'm already glad that I left the massive binge eating behind.

  2. And yay~ I finally got to comment! ^___^

  3. I had a layout with butterflies, but I changed it. I thought I'd go with something a little more simple. :-)

    It's nice having you here with me!


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