Thursday, November 7, 2013

30 Days of (Mostly) Grain Free Eating

I've put weight back on that I don't want. Twenty years ago, it would have been easy to take it off, but after menopause, I'm finding that it's nearly impossible. So it's time to try something different. I'm trying a modified version of the Paleo diet.

The Paleo diet doesn't include grain and dairy products. I can give up the grains pretty easily, but I can't drink my coffee black, and I like having a little cheese every day. My daily 'treat' is a no sugar added pudding. The concession I'm willing to make with dairy is to use unflavored creamer or half and half in my coffee. I'm also trying to significantly lower my sugar intake.

What does this look like in a daily menu? Here is a sample day, aiming for a calorie range of 1,600-1,700 calories per day.

Breakfast: apple; scrambled egg substitute cooked with chopped onions and peppers; chicken sausage; coffee with unflavored creamer and Nectresse

AM snack: 100 calorie pack of almonds; hard-boiled egg

Lunch: tuna with mayonnaise and onions; carrots; no sugar added rice pudding

PM snack: string cheese; rolled-up lunchmeat with spicy mustard

Supper: grilled chicken; baked sweet potato fries; mixed vegetables

For this first week, the two meals I'll vary a little are breakfast and supper. For week 2, I'll change my lunch protein, possibly to hamburger and taco spices with tomatoes and onions on a bed of lettuce.

This may or may not work, but I'm willing to give it 30 days.

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30 Days is Now 60 Days

I'm still eating mostly grain-free. In the past two months, I've cut out most grain (except the occasional wheat tortilla for work l...